4x6 Thermal Shipping Label Printer 130U

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  • High-speed printing of 150 mm/s, clearly printing easy-to-scan barcode labels. You can print 80 sheets of 4x6 labels per minute while making no noise and helping you save time. Prints 300,000 standard labels without ink or toner.
  • Functions of detecting the size of the label and intelligent label adjusting. It is compatible with labels in 1.57" to 4.3" width sizes.


Functions of detecting the size of the label and intelligent label adjusting. It is compatible with labels in 1.57" to 4.3" width sizes.
Comes with a USB Flash Drive for easy driver setup in One-minute. If anything happens with your thermal printer, you can ask us for help via live chat, phone calls, remote desktop, or email, and you will get free lifetime customer support.
All packaging are made of degradable materials, so you can grow your business while protecting the environment.


Compatible with label paper from 1.57" to 4.3" width, cover your needs for multiple E-commerce businesses.

Handmade stickers

Round labels

Thank you stickers

Product labels

Handmade Stickers

It can be your product label printer for small businesses, printing handmade stickers for you.

Barcode Labels

It can be your barcode label printer, printing barcode labels and fnsku labels for you.

Thank you Stickers

It can be your package label printer, printing packaging labels and thank you stickers for you.

Product Labels

It can be your candles label printer for small businesses, printing all product labels for you.

Packing List:

LOSRECAL Label Printer x 1,
Power Adapter x 1,
Power Cable x 1,
USB Cable x 1,
User Manual x 1,
25pcs Test Labels,
and 1 USB Flash Drive (including printer driver, user manual, FAQs, How-to-Videos). 

    Custom Tab 01

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